Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
2013 - May all your thread dreams be fulfilled this year

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Left over yarn

I have always wanted to give Granny Squares a try. The other day I was searching for wool and I was reminded about all the lovely little bits of left over wool and yarn, not to mention all the bargain odd balls.
Do you do that as well? I am such a sucker when it comes to Sales. I keep buying odd balls of crochet yarns because they are marked down. And even though  a little voice at the back of my head says,: "Its not enough yarn to make something", I make the same mistake again and again. I have some quite convincing excuses, like the colour is beautiful or the price is just too good to let this ball go. Hence, I have a whole box full of odd yarns and wool.

So, the other day I thought maybe its time to use some of these precious bargains, (some of them have been in my possession for 15 years already)

What do you think?  I will probably turn them into a knee blanket, or pot holders? Or a bag?

Any ideas anyone? Please help me, otherwise I will be stashing these squares for another 15 years?

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